The best review!
This review warmed my heart and made me smile.
I always say that these treatments are ‘more than makeup’ – it’s about restoring confidence, feeling good about ourselves, improving self esteem and putting a little extra spring in our step.
As this client has discovered – beauty has no age limit and for some, feeling more confident in appearance can really give that much needed boost.
Sam and I look after all of our clients with a kind and caring approach. Some clients are very nervous, some have never been into a salon before and others do not know what style or treatments would benefit them.
We are here to offer information and guide you through the whole process so that you can make an informed decision in your own time, under no pressure or expectation to book a procedure.
If you would like to find out more then contact us to make a date for a free consultation – and a good cup of coffee! We would love to hear from you.
Luisa and Sam x