Intradermal Nevus removal

Posted on October 24, 2024 by Categories: Uncategorized Tags: , , ,

I see a lot of these particular lesions on the scalp and have been successfully removing them for nearly 10 years! 

They can be annoying and catch on combs and hair brushes. Some of these are visible in short hair and in partings and that is often a reason someone may ask me to do a removal treatment.

The procedure is quick and efficient, heals super quickly and with minimal discomfort.

If you have an annoying lump or bump that you would like to banish then do get in touch!

Other blemishes that I successfully treat on a daily basis are:

Pigmentation/sun spots/age spots 
Skin tags
Thread veins
Seborrheic keratosis
Cherry angioma
And more… 

Message the page or email for further advice and information 💁🏻‍♀️ 

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