What is MASCED?
MASCED is the Melanoma and skin cancer early detection.
When I began working on skin blemishes it occurred to me that my clients couldn’t always see these up close depending on where they are located, making it tricky for a client to check her own blemishes for signs of a possible abnormality. So I researched and found an amazing organisation called MASCED. I completed their course on skin surveillance, learning about how to identify possible abnormalities so I can advise a client to seek further action with a medical professional where needed.
Melanoma is one of the most common forms of all major cancers.
With over 86% of all cases of melanoma preventable and early detection vital for survival, educational intervention is key to reversing the soaring rates of skin cancer in the UK and saving lives.
I cannot and do not diagnose, but with my MASCED knowledge I could spot something suspicious which I then recommend to my client that they should get this checked out by a GP or dermatologist.
MASCED have an app for the public to educate on the early detection of skin melanoma. Visit app.skcin.org on any mobile device to download.
If you are a hair or beauty professional then I would encourage you to take the MASCED course too! Visit www.masced.uk to register and begin your training.
Luisa x