Tattooing balloons – whatever next?!

Posted on January 5, 2023 by Categories: Uncategorized

Clients always ask – is this going to hurt? So my answer is – try not to worry as this isn’t going to be what you may be expecting! 

Im honest, and yes there may be a little soreness at times, after all it is a form of tattooing, but it’s actually quite a comfortable experience, and some clients have even fallen asleep during treatments. I like to think this is because they are relaxed, and not down to my conversation 😆

I have a very light hand and am very gentle, preferring to slowly and carefully layer the pigment, building up the effect. Working like this, means that cosmetic tattooing is the most comfortable method of implanting colour into the skin. 

To show you just how gentle and careful I work – here is me tattooing a balloon, using techniques that I have developed over the years. 

Any questions? Then do send us a message. We’d love to hear from you x