I was SO nervous! But I did it anyway….

Posted on October 24, 2024 by Categories: Uncategorized

Sam visits the Malmesbury Mums Business Networking Group event at The Old Bell Hotel once a month. It’s a group of local business mums who get together one morning a month to network and support each other in business. 

Sam really enjoys it and always gives me a call afterwards, excitedly telling me all about the morning and what the guest speaker had spoken about. 

Yesterday was Sam’s time to shine! She was the guest speaker for July and had put together a presentation about who we are and what we do at clinic. 

Sam really wanted to spread the word about the medical tattooing that is available at our Tetbury clinic and the possibilities that are open to clients following breast cancer surgery. 

Last minute nerves kicked in just before she left home yesterday morning – which isn’t like our Sam, as she loves to chat to everyone!

But from the lovely messages that flooded our inbox last night I can see that she absolutely smashed it, just as I knew she would. 

Well done lovely, I know how much thought went into yesterday, as does all the little details in clinic that you add. Superstar! ⭐️