Do I need to attend my second appointment?
The answer is a huge YES!! Your second appointment is crucial in getting you the best and longest lasting results! Some skin will push out more colour than others during […]
The answer is a huge YES!! Your second appointment is crucial in getting you the best and longest lasting results! Some skin will push out more colour than others during […]
So Ive treated your blemish – what to expect next? Aftercare is really important, I’ve done my bit, now it’s over to you! Firstly, freshly treated blemishes must be protected […]
As well as permanent makeup (brows, eyeliner and lip blush), I also specialise in blemish removal. Many of us suffer with minor skin blemishes that can affect our confidence. These […]
Hey it’s Sam here! If I had to choose one of my favourite things about my working at the clinic, it would have to be meeting clients. I love getting […]
My spotlessly clean and bright clinic is set within the beautiful Cherish Salon on the outskirts of Tetbury, Gloucestershire. Cherish has been established for 15 years and I have been […]
Introducing Sarah! Sarah first visited me a couple of years ago to discuss a solution to her thinning eyebrows. Sarah has alopecia, an auto immune condition that causes hair loss. […]
One of the many benefits I have found from having permanent makeup – a few more minutes sleep in the morning! So if you are anything like me then early […]
A lot of clients ask me what the difference is between permanent make up and body art tattooing, so I thought I’d get my geek on and write a little […]
I love creating a lip colour on a client and it’s a procedure that many clients are curious about, so I thought I would write a little post all about […]
So here you are, you’ve just been given some beautiful brows and want to show the world that your brow game is strong…. when over the next few days they […]